Best Friend

Created by Helen 5 years ago
I met Colleen in 1977 when I began working at the relatively new Frimley Park Hospital. Colleen worked part time with three or four others, referring to themselves as the ‘Golden Oldies’. They could not have been over 45years of age.
Colleen was very good at organising parties, which happened every 3 months as the medics changed, or for any excuse.
We quickly became very good friends and have great memories of the many holidays that we spent together.
Following a two-week holiday driving through France and with all four of us sharing a room one night, we returned with a friendship just as strong. Colleen had a great sense of fun and there was always plenty of laughter.
One of her many skills was knitting and she was epic. She followed complicated patterns with incredible patience and was always taking orders for the next piece.
Collen was very kind and understanding but sensible at the same time and we valued her as Godmother to our three children.
When she and Eric moved away to Dorset we didn’t meet up as regularly, but when we did it was just as if we had seen each other yesterday.
Life wasn’t kind to Colleen over the past few years, but she approached it with a strength and dignity to overcome the problems.
She has been my constant best friend for the past 42 years and I will miss her greatly. I loved her dearly.