Her Majesty - by Ben Laundon

Created by Emma 4 years ago
I met her majesty only once, but what a time I spent with her! She was an absolute whirlwind of magnificence, positivity and happiness. It is quite clear how and why you, and of course Molly, have been so positively influenced by such a wonderful lady - she clearly passed her love of life and infectious positivity to you both. Throughout this recent battle I have loved seeing the posts, the photos, the comments; as a family you came together to support her wonderfully and the camera never lies - her smiles were real. No need to offer platitudes about time healing, pain going etc. you know all of this - but the key thing is that you had such a wonderful life with her and will always have the outstanding memories, photos and stories. I feel blessed having met her but for an hour or so, and to have followed her from afar, you and Molly have been infinitely more blessed....and so was she, to have you both.